What is Homestay?

Several lodging options exist for visitors to Morro Bay, including Inns, Hotels and Motels, Bed and Breakfasts, Vacation Rentals, and Homestays. The Birdhouse is a licensed Homestay (no. 6010253). Although the term “homestay” might seem to imply guests share living space with the hosts, this is not the case at The Birdhouse. Our guest unit has a single common wall with our residence, but the unit is used exclusively by guests, and our residence is used exclusively by us. Most outdoor areas are “shared” with the hosts but, as a relatively quiet retired couple, we use outdoor areas primarily for gardening and maintenance.

Our county government designated The Birdhouse as a Homestay according to local zoning definitions and codes.  The county defines Homestay as a “Residential structure … with a family in permanent residence, where no more than two bedrooms without cooking facilities are rented for overnight lodging, [and] does not include provision of meals.” Homestays are commonly referred to as AirBnBs because they are often listed on an online listing service of that name. An actual Bed and Breakfast, as defined by the county, is “a single-family dwelling .. of historical or architectural interest” – or a rural facility such as a winery, riding stable, or health resort – where meals can be served. A Vacation Rental is defined by the county as an entire residence rented for up to 30 days. The county places stringent limits on the number and location of Vacation Rentals.

Homestays are an increasingly popular type of lodging, especially among foreign travelers. According to Wikipedia, homestays offer exposure to everyday life in another location, the opportunity to live a local’s life and experience local culture and traditions, friendship, local advice, foreign language practice, and a lower carbon footprint. Guests at The Birdhouse certainly have the option of minimizing interaction with the hosts. But for those who wish to tap into our knowledge of local wildlife and natural areas, or simply wish to engage in a friendly chat with bona fide wildlife biologists – and fellow nature lovers – we are available nearby.

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